Sunday, October 11, 2009

Part 1:  In My Heart

Lysa shares a story about the first time she remembers not feeling good enough.  It's a great story about a fifth grade skating party where Lysa wasn't asked to couples skate.  Instead of cruising around the rink with a cute guy grooving to "Jessie's Girl,"  she pretended to have skate issues while envying all those couples out there skating.  On page 18, Lysa writes about her thoughts at that moment, "Since you aren't acceptable, you must find some things upon which to hitch your identity.  Since it is not possible for you to be 'Lysa, the cute girl,' you must become something else."  Lysa goes on to share her life story which you will want to read!  On page 22, Lysa concludes with this statement:  "I went home that day horrified at who I'd become."
  • Have you had this type of moment in your life?
Lysa then writes about what I call an "oh" or an "ah ha" moment - a moment when everything changed - a "yes" moment.  Her moment occurred when she read the following scripture.
  • Read Jeremiah 29:11.  Insert your name into this scripture.
Lysa's response to this scriputre was this:  "This statement stood in such stark contrast to my flawed perception of being identified by my circumstances.  This verse painted a possibility that the God of the universe loved me not for what I did right but simply because I was His."  
  • Have you had this type of moment in your life?  How does it compare to the type of life moment noted above?
On page 24, Lysa shares what I would call an affirmation of faith or a creed.  It is not filled with fancy words or phrases that you might or might not understand.  Instead, it is a simple statement of faith.  "Wrapped in that yes was the acknowledgment that God did exist, that He loved me, and that I wanted Him - not a religion-in my life in a way I'd never had before."

So, now that you've said "yes" to God, what are the next steps?  Lysa encourages us to move beyond the Christian checklist on page 24 to a fulfilling life with Jesus.
  • What does fulfillment mean to you?
On page 27, Lysa talks about the lack of fulfillment she felt even after saying yes to God.  She found that it was easier to seek fulfillment in things she could see and touch -- a career, a husband, a family, a house.  I love the way she describes this search.  "It's as if I carried around a little heart-shaped cup and extended it to whatever or whomever I perceived might fill it."
  • Do you have an empty, heart-shaped cup?  If so, what have you asked to fill it in the past?  What might you be asking to fill it right now?  (page 31)
  • This is where U2's "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" fits in!
Lysa gives us a great tool to use to battle what I call "the 4 Ps of if only."  That is, if only I had some , then I would be fulfilled.
  • Study pages 33- 34.  Write your if only statement.  Find a scripture to help you win this battle of "if only."
And remember, "Becoming more than a good Bible study girl means realizing that, apart from a thriving relationship with God, even if you got everything on your list, there would still be a hollow gap in your soul." (page 34)

The title of Chapter 3 is "When I Feel Like I Don't Measure Up."  Can you think of a time when you felt totally inadequate?  School?  At work?  As a mom?

Lysa shares a totally funny story about a school bake sale.  You must read this hilarious tale!  The point of the story is -- she messed up.  So how did she react?  She first "let her mind free-fall into the pit of negativity and shame.....And that's exactly where Satan would have loved for me to stay......If Satan can use our everyday experiences, both big and small, to cripple our true identity, then he renders God's people totally ineffective for the kingdom of Christ." 

Lysa shares three lessons learned from the great brownie failure:
  1. She separated her identity from her failure.
  2. She identified a call to action. In this case, carefully write down instructions.
  3. She stopped taking things so seriously and instead looked for humor. 
 "Becoming more than a good Bible study girl means I separate my shortcomings from my identity and let Jesus be the only measure of my worth." (page 42)  She goes on to state, "God never intended for us to rely on others for our sense of well-being.  Only He is equipped to provide that." (page 43)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

In case you are curious, Jacob's team won tonight!  34-6!  I'll post the summary of today's meeting on Friday.  
WEEK 1:  What a great first meeting!

Ladies, I am so thrilled that you have joined us on this exciting journey!  We covered Part 1 today.  I do hope that you will take the time to read Chapters 1-3 this week in addition the chapters in Part 2.  And maybe after reading Part 1, some of the points we discussed today will make more sense. :-)

Hey, you all have homework!  
  • Remember to identify your "If only...." statements and search for a scripture to help you deal with your "if only".  The "4Ps of if only" are listed in Chapter 2.
  • Our outreach project for this week is restocking the food pantry with peanut butter and jelly.  So on one of your daily trips to Publix or Western, grab an extra jar of PB&J.
For those of you studying with us via this blog, I will post our talking points from today in a separate entry.  Right now, I have butterflies for my son's football game tonight....As a sneak peak of what we studied, what do Rick Springfield's "Jessie's Girl" and U2's "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" have to do with becoming more than a good Bible study girl?

Blessings and Go 130# Blue Rebels!